Unreal II - The Awakening

Unreal II - The Awakening

During gameplay press ~ to open the game console give in
one of the following commands

Cheat Commands
BeMyMonkey() - Enable/Disable Cheat Mode
God() - Toggle God Mode
Invisible() - Toggle Invisibility
Loaded() - Get all weapons
AllAmmo() - Give player ammo for all weapons
GodEx(X) - Toggle God Mode for the given actor
Phoenix() - Toggle Phoenix Powersuit
FearMe() - Enemy now fears you
Ghost() - Ghost Mode
Fly() - Fly Mode
Amphibious() - Underwater mode
Walk() - Normal, walking mode
SloMo(#) - Game Slomotion
SetJumpZ(#) - Set jump height
ToggleInfiniteAmmo() - Toggle Infinite Ammo
ToggleReloads() - Toggle Reloads
ToggleInvisibility() - Toggle Invisibility
Teleport() - Teleport to the spot the player is looking at
NextLevel() - Skip to next level
Open(x) - Open Map x
ToggleSpeed() - Double speed
SetSpeed(#) - Set player speed
ChangeSize(#) - Change Players Size
TogglePawnInvulnerability(P) - Toggle god mode on given pawn
Goodies(#, #) - Summon an array of goodies
Sum(x) - Summon Item X
Actors() - Full actor list
GotoActor(Name) - Change Location to the given Actor
Damage(#, Target) - Damage given target by the specified amount
DamageNPCs(#) - Damage NPC's by the given amount
SetHealth(#, Target) - Set health to the given amount for target
SetMyHealth(#) - Set player health to the given amount
HurtMe(#) - Hurt the player by the specified amount
ManCannon(#) - Gives all visible pawns damage
ToggleServos() - Toggle Animation Servos
ShowTeams() - Show player teams
Difficulty(#) - Change game difficulty
CheatView(x) - See what actor x's view is
ViewSelf() - Target Camera on player
ToggleTimeDemo() - Enable time demo
ToggleScoreBoard() - Toggle Score board
EnableFreeOrders(0/1) - Toggle Free Orders
BehindView() - Toggle Behind View
SetParticleDensity(#) - Set Particle Density
ToggleImpacts() - Toggle Impacts
SetWeaponTick(0/1) - Toggle Weapon tick code
SetWeaponFire(0/1) - Toggle Weapon firing
ToggleShowAll() - Show all hidden actors
ToggleShowKPs() - Show all keypoints
ToggleShowNPs() - Show all nagivation points
ToggleRMode() - Toggle RMode
SetEyeHeigth() - Set player eye height
KillActor(x) - Kill actor X
KillHitActor() - Kill actor under crosshair
KillHitNPC() - Kill NPC under crosshair
KillActiveNPCS() - Kill all active NPCS
KillDormantnPCS() - Kill all dormant NPCS
GibAllNPCS() - Gib all NPCs
GibHitNPC() - Gib the NPC under the crosshair
PO() - Toggle players only
ToggleFreezeView() - Toggle Freeze View
ToggleHUD() - Toggle HUD
SetCameraDist(#) - Set camera distance
FreeCamera(0/1) - Toggle free camera movement
SetFlash(#) - ?
SetFogR(#) - ?
SetFogG(#) - ?
SetFogB(#) - ?
ShowViewLine() - ?
SetFOV(#) - ?
ToggleFOV(#) - ?

Enable Console Cheats in user.ini
Look in your user.ini and look for "CheatsEnabled" and set it to true.
You can also set numerous options by editing unreal2.ini file, such as
unlimited ammo...

Editing user.ini
Listed bellow are tweaks you can make to the user.ini (located in the
game/system folder). Add the following keybindings to the User.ini file for
easier use of the weapons.


Then, go to the Numberpad bindings and change to this:

NumPad0=sum u2weapons.weaponpistol
NumPad1=sum u2weapons.weaponSingularityCannon
NumPad2=sum u2weapons.weaponFlamethrower
NumPad3=sum u2weapons.weaponLeechgun
NumPad4=sum u2weapons.weaponLaserRifle
NumPad5=sum u2weapons.weaponGrenadeLauncher
NumPad6=sum u2weapons.weaponRocketLauncher
NumPad7=sum u2weapons.weaponTakkra
NumPad8=sum u2weapons.weaponShotgun
NumPad9=sum u2weapons.weaponSniperRifle

I also have these set up in mine...

L=Sum U2Weapons.ammoGrenadeEMP
J=Sum U2Weapons.ammoGrenadeIncendiary
K=Sum U2Weapons.ammoGrenadeToxic
O=Sum U2Weapons.ammoGrenadeConcussion
P=Sum U2Weapons.ammoGrenadeFragment
U=Sum U2Weapons.ammoGrenadeSmoke

With the above bindings added to the user.ini you get the following:

F1 - Enables Cheats
F2 - Turns on and off God Mode
F3 - Max's out your Ammo
F5 - Enables 3rd Person View

Number Pad 0 - Spawns the Magnum Pistol
Number Pad 1 - Spawns the BlackHole cannon (kills everything with 1 shot)
Number Pad 2 - Spawns the FlameThrower (lovely gun, I really like it)
Number Pad 3 - Spawns the Leechgun (little spiders all over your enemy, if your aim is good)
Number Pad 4 - Spawns the LaserRifle (kinda like a railgun, but has a alt fire)
Number Pad 5 - Spawns the Grenade Launcher (go blow some shit up, alt fire changes the grenade type)
Number Pad 6 - Spawns the RocketLauncher (better then most, really cool alt fire)
Number Pad 7 - Spawns the Takkra (You just have to see it to believe it)
Number Pad 8 - Spawns the Shotgun (just what it says, alt fire uses incendiary rounds)
Number Pad 9 - Spawns the SniperRifle (get you some long distance loving today)

The ones listed below are the different grenades for the grenade launcher:

L- Spawns the EMP Grenades (really handy in killing robots)
J- Spawns the Incendiary (Light up someone you hate today)
K- Spawns the Toxic (puts out a small acid gas cloud, eats threw metal and people)
O- Spawns the Concussion (knock someone off a ledge, cliff, or just have fun with them with this one)
P- Spawns the Fragment (Standard Grenade, does a decent amount of damage)
U- Spawns the Smoke (confuse your enemy's while you hightail it out of the area)

Submitted by: Christian McDermott

in Unreal II in the Robots' City, in the large open area w/ the jiamt
sphere in the center use /fly and look around. you should see a set of
two walls w/ a cryo tube like object as seen early er in the level.
inside it is a whole Scar . if you move close to it John Dalton will
Say "So they got all them to make...JUICE!!!" very entertaining.

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